The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Andy Smyth

Updated: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 12:11 pm

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Been out of work for a while due to a broken ankle, so have started penning various stuff. Not sure the purists will think its poetry, but it kept me sane lying in a hospital bed with screws in my shin and plates in my ankle. Ho Hum. Always enjoyed writing stuff but never given it the time it deserved (maybe it didn't deserve it, I'll let you decide), but it was good therapy and I still enjoy it, so there. Never performed, would scare me witless. I don't think I'm good enough, but then I did fail CSE English, so that might explain it...


I can hear you You hope that I’m hiding Just playing hard to get You think that I can’t hear you Or understand your eyes are wet I hear you loud and clear Comprehend your disbelief Wish you knew that all you say Brings me much needed relief If I could move – send a sign Acknowledge that I know you’re there But for now I can’t even do that Just left clasping my internal despair To move a muscle, blink an eye But I can do neither All sounds so simple, but I can’t send a sign you’d decipher Don’t give up on me now I hear you every single day I know you will be there Come what may Don’t leave my side No-one thinks I hear you Don’t leave me alone I love you and hear you too   I’m not really scared And if I was, no-one would know More afraid of leaving you behind Having to let you go The brains in white coats are saying No point in prolonging this Now I hear them talking to you Inviting you to give a farewell kiss I hear you weep, confirm your sadness Sense your emotion, your presence, your love I see you, as though my eyes are wide-open I hope at least, to be able to see you from above I try and try, but cannot cry You’ve kissed me goodbye I know it, but cannot feel it Can’t even manage a final sigh You say those final loving words I just wish I could respond You touch warm fingers to my unfeeling lips And I drift out quietly into the dark beyond.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Andy Smyth

Life in a small cul-de-sac (19/10/2017)

Needy? (04/10/2017)

Why? (02/10/2017)

Dam (19/09/2017)

A bit more Dark and Light (03/09/2017)

Sleeping bag (23/08/2017)

Dirt (23/08/2017)

Unusual places (23/08/2017)

The Queen (20/08/2017)

Not the Truth (04/06/2017)

Read more entries by Andy Smyth…

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Andy Smyth

Mon 2nd Oct 2017 22:59

Sorry, not used to commenting on WOL, but loved Sometimes. I can relate to that. In the last "verse" I might leave it as a 2 liner - skip the top two lines and leave the rest. But, if you are like me, you will ignore this anyway. It's my poem so eff-off anyone else! (me speaking here!). Loved it anyway. Well I did Sometimes... ?

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 25th Apr 2017 08:37

thanks Andy for taking the time to read and leave a comment on 'Hello You' - glad you enjoyed and much appreciated. I tried to do a follow up recently called 'Imagine please that I am blind'. Here's the link if you missed it. Good to see you posting again on WoL. Cheers, Col.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 22nd Apr 2017 21:34

Andy, I'll try to get to read more of your work. I did enjoy 'Milestone' very much. And I bet you would be a star reader of your own work. Failing CSE English means nothing.

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Andy Smyth

Tue 3rd May 2016 19:38

Having noted your comments, I had a look through for "Retriever". Made me bark with laughter.

Also enjoyed your "lost shoe" poem (spelling mistakes and all). Reminded me of moving to a new area at age 13 (Dad's fault) and starting a new school where I knew absolutely no-one. Spent all morning on the loo before Dad dropped me off at school. I didn't lose my shoe, but it pretty much felt like I had. God. Memories of growing up, so painful, yet, now, quite inspirational as far as verse goes (it was still Dad's fault).

My poem - "Fragment of a tree" has the same sentiment but not the impact of yours, so well done my man, Enjoyed it. Wrote mine yonks ago, so not trying to steal your thunder or dig up those carefully hidden bones...

I feel the sting of your harsh rebuke
I sense your annoyance and dripping disapproval
Rather than rudely sticking out my tongue
And legging it, I stand to face the music

I adopt what I think is my best plaintive, hang-dog, expression
Slowly lower my eyes and dip my head in shame
Whatever I think, I can’t argue too much
We both know who wears the trousers around here

Understand who is the master, who takes the lead
Who puts the roof over our head, dinner on the plate
But I do feel, for once, you’ve been a bit short-sighted
You probably should have seen this coming

I don’t think I should really take all of the blame
After all, we’ve been here before
And when you lobbed that gnarled fragment of a tree
Right into the middle of the slowly meandering river

Let’s face it, you were always going to get wet
When I lovingly brought it back,
Dropped it expectantly at your feet
And vigorously shook off the excesses of the river.



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Andy Smyth

Tue 3rd May 2016 19:08

Too true mate. I have to go to the Dentist tomorrow at 10:00 am for a filling, then have an interview at 14:00 for a Local Government Authority in which I have to give a 15 minutes (timed, then told to stop) Powerpoint presentation on how to digitise Local Government... Then on to the 1 hour F2F interview.

I am looking forward to the Dentist.

But if I can (and I don't know if I can yet), perform a meaningless PP presentation for 15 mins in front of a stern faced panel trying to stay awake, then why should a 2 minute Poem/verse/made-up-crappy-thing present a problem? Who knows. Tell you tomorrow!


<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 26th Apr 2016 14:21

Hi Andy, thanks for your comments and for bravely delving a little way into my back catalogue. I'm sure there's enough material there for a whole conference!

I sometimes take my iPod to bed with me and more often than not out and about as it's a great way to jot down those odd lines that come without warning. Sometimes it only takes a line or two to make something a lot more but I know if it's not put down, especially at night, it will be gone forever.

Thanks for sharing your poem which I enjoyed. You don't need shades and a doughnut shirt to read your poems out loud but it helps me feel a little bit epic. I did my Retriever poem at my local P&P last night and it was hysterical, so much laughter. I think it was the first time I'd performed a poem rather than just read it out. What a buzz, I'm still smiling now. Go for it, what have you got to lose apart from your dignity and wtf about that eh?

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