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Climbed a Mountain

I climbed a mountain today. 

As I looked up with fear I did say, 

I can't, there is absolutely no way, 

Then I climbed that mountain today. 

Through the sadness you got out of bed, 

Although most likely at some point you said, 

Life would be easier to be someone else instead,

But you climbed that mountain today.

She looked in the mirror with judging eyes,

Picking apart her hair, skin, weight, and thighs, 

Not understanding how society's beauty lies, 

She climbed a mountain today.

He doesn't understand why they expect him to be, 

This man defined by only his masculinity, 

When there is so much more to see, 

He climbed a mountain today. 

I conquered a mountain of fear, 

You conquered a mountain of depression,

She conquered a mountain for self love, 

He conquered a mountain against gender norms.

We all experience mountains that seem too tough to climb.

You slide down hills because of the steepness,

Sometimes unable to catch a grip underneath you at all.

Or stop to catch your breath because sometimes you forget to breathe.

But then you get to the top and with triumph get to say, I climbed a mountain today.





◄ Bulletproof

Sitting, Wishing, Waiting ►


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Amanda Daughtry

Sun 19th Jun 2016 15:13

Love it.

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