this morning i woke and from every corner of the earth came evil
i inhaled the loss of a mother, grieving for her child
i inhaled the barbarity and sin of an alcoholic father,
laying carefree in his own vomit and someone elses blood
i inhaled the cries of anguish let forth from a thousand raped women
i inhaled the prayers of every dying man, knelt on the floor in hope
i inhaled a million tiny eyes, a million ears turned deaf by screaming
i inhaled god and jesus, both comatose with helplessness stuck high in heaven
i inhaled every defiled virgin, every desolate cry for water
i inhaled a single tear, shed by a brother we will never know
i inhaled pus, blood, vomit and semen
i inhaled grass, clouds, tulips and hills
i inhaled the seas and the oceans, the moon and the sun
i inhaled the quantum boundaries and the single cells
then i stopped
and from my bed i let loose a single word
a golden ray of light emitted from my mouth
and in it bathed the leper and the lost
the tortured mind
the cut throat razor
from my eyes there flowed the twelve tribes of Israel
the Buddha
the god-head and the allah
the beam cast a ray so, so bright that the very walls of time
were painted with the hope of the ancients
and from a million voices turned upwards in thanks
i heard the word
and from my back did burst forth wings
wings of stained glass and autumn leaves
wings that encompassed the spectrum of light and colour
wings that shed the mortal skin of my being
the fabric of my sin
and i did bloom into the most beautiful butterfly
and a circle of a thousand thousand held hands around me
as i flew to heaven
and whispered the word
and from then on
we did so realise
that change was in the heart of every man
this morning i woke
and from every corner of the earth
did shine the sun
Stu Buck
Thu 23rd Jun 2016 18:26
thanks vicki, i'm glad you enjoyed the poem. i was careful to end on a positive note, i try my best to remain positive in the face of adversity.
john - i have just seen this and totally agree. there is more than one piece going on in this.