Nice July 2016
Nice July 2016
France, I salute you
You should never witness
such barbarity
You are beautiful:
every boulevard,
every humble, small, rue,
every field, every square,
every grande avenue
speak the beauty that’s you –
France, I stand with you:
with your people.
They are strong,
will withstand
vile attacks on your land
Your spirit of joie de vie
is indomitable
and unquenchable.
So it was,
So it is,
So it always will be –
As for me,
You hold a special place
in my heart.
That love for you,
will never
grow cold
Nigel Astell
Fri 22nd Jul 2016 14:05
He was looking for his wife
watched a Mother lay her son
folding small arms now at peace
walking past this human mangled mess
finding her he prayed with relief.