Scottish slam champion seeks crowdfunding help to publish first collection
Scotland’s current slam champion is seeking crowdfunding help to publish her first collection. Iona Lee, aged 20, who won the Scottish slam finals at Glasgow’s Tron theatre in February, is seeking help to publish Late Night Philosophy, a collection of poems written over three years.
Iona is a former dancer who was forced to give it up as a career because of injury. She said: “The injury kind of threw me. I think I missed performing, and acting wasn't where my interests lay - possibly because that's what my parents do. I can't really remember what exactly made me sign up for the open mic slot at Inky Fingers in Edinburgh, but I did, and here we are.
“I was 17 at the time and was pleased to discover that you don't get your age checked in pubs if you are there to read poetry. Aside from booze though, I instantly felt part of something and became aware of what spoken word meant and what I might like to do with it.”
She became Scottish slam champion just before her 20th birthday. “I went along with a wary mind set, not considering myself a slam poet at all. Maybe my slightly different style of delivery and subject matter worked in my favour. The poem that I won it with was called ‘It Was Summer Outside’ - it’s about youth and potential futures.”
According to the crowdfunding publishing company, Unbound, rewards are available to those who pledge to support a book - and once it is published, supporters receive a special edition of the book with their names printed in the back.
You can find out more about Iona and her collection here