Chambers of Death
Chambers of Death
The duel,
Makes liars and cowards of each,
Sends us brave into quarrels bold of design,
And it’s very perplexing but oh so fulfilling,
Killing the gospel, for shilling and fare,
And we’re -
Daring the speak of the masculine soldier,
Not wanting neither the truth or the falsehood,
Battling the conscience for doubt or for ego;
Scanning horizons of blood,
For the paradise we’re sold.
Glory is glory
But not for a brother,
Not for a man shedding tears of sorrow,
For as much as we try
We will always falter,
For the duel becomes demon,-
For the bribe of a soul.
And we do what we can
Believing the world may get better,
But the lust for blood will always
Counter our youth,
And it’s disgusting
And wholesome and privileged and
Hollow, to believe we make
While the corpses of children
Lying dead in gutters,
Speaks of corruption
And violence in government quarters,
Where sleep is afforded
To the ‘don’t give a shits!’
And I’ll tell you my friend
How we dupe one another,
Bragging friendship together
In times of war,
For justice and truth
Reckons only the guilt,
As deceived are the brethren,
Of forgotten tomorrows,
And this duel we bare as we
Justify all we have promised,
Creates monsters of men
Deep in their heads,
Where the duality affords no man
His freedom,
Just madness to conjure
And murder some more.
Michael J Waite 23rd August 2016.
Sat 27th Aug 2016 23:21
Deeply moving and wonderful in its inner revelations. Quite unique in its experiences of those who carry the weight of personal risk and at what ultimate benefit to them? So much compacted psychology and truth in this poem.