THOUGHT FOR ANY DAY 4 - repost for Sept.
Caught out by the last day of August - so here's a second bite at the cherry!
Cruel manifestations of failed relations:
Emotional and physical eviscerations.
M.C. Newberry
Fri 2nd Sep 2016 14:10
Harry - thanks, as always, for taking the trouble to comment.
I can't agree 100% with your concept of the EU in such
matters. It hardly covered itself in glory over the likes of
Kosovo when the real preserver of peace in this world -
NATO - had to act...and still exists in that capacity.
And when thinking on the economic social upheavals in Greece - a country which EU machinations allowed(induced) to join despite not properly qualifying -
plus the rumblings of a similar sort now in Italy, and the
"minus" of spreading unemployment among the youth of
Spain seems hardly guaranteed to ensure peaceful social
co-existence. By all means. let the countries and
peoples of Europe unite to their common good but the
EU seems to have ensured that IT is above BOTH in
attitudes and arbitrary behaviour.
We have historically aided Europe when detached - and
I see no reason why this should not return if we keep
our nerve. Our allies know that much - and so do our
enemies. Trade was the original bluff from the Common
Market/EEC/EC/EU - let's call it and regain control of our
own lives in these islands.
Advance Britannia!