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The new Messiah is available for hire

his rates are remarkably low by the hour

his motivations to save whole nations

are contrary to the general flow

we jadedly have come to know.


His opening sentence will advise repentance

in order to bring us together

and he wears no suits of impeccable cloth

and never appears in full body leather. .


He wants to look humble and slightly ill shod

he's a leftwing Messiah and speaks up for God,

and his faithful minions will have some opinions

but the new Messiah will lift us higher


and take account of global warming

it's all in the morals it's plain to see,

and because he's wise and religio - political

his potent advice will be timely and critical.


Most importantly of all of course

is his rates are remarkably low

and his ratings remarkably high

So look inside yourself or look up

it doesn't much matter which,


He's bound to find you and keep you in line

and you know your life will be rich.


politics and religion




<Deleted User> (13762)

Sat 3rd Sep 2016 15:35

And there's me thinking you were being clever Ray. It's a sign, a sign! I'm reminded of the Life of Brian, always my favourite telling of the story. Trouble is, now everyone thinks they're the new Messiah. Blame the internet again. We live through strange times but no stranger than any other time I guess. In a way your poem sits nicely with David's November 2016. Cheers, Colin.

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Fri 2nd Sep 2016 20:44

Sorry but the text has changed during the poem . Is this a warning I wonder ?


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