The Coventry Playground
A children's playground did proudly stand.
It was built on the old Pantglas school land.
The kind people of Coventry paid for that park.
It was built to shine a light from out of the dark.
Slides, frames and swings for the kids to play.
And no children should ever be taken away.
But taken away in numbers they sadly where.
Now in Heaven safely under Gods loving care.
In tribute to those Angels who to Heaven flew.
A memorial playground was built in 1972.
But that playground has become a sorry sight.
It survived one scare already, but not this fight.
And despite protests it's to be bulldozed soon.
Flattened to the ground,then to make the room.
For Bungalows to replace it, to me such a shame.
But rightfully they will keep that 'Coventry' name.