'I can't Stop' by Claire is Write Out Loud's Poem of the Week
The new Write Out Loud Poem of the Week is ‘I Can’t Stop’, by Claire. It’s a poem that celebrates an overflowing sense of creativity, even if “nobody can hear me”. She goes on to to say that she needs to use her fingertips to "to get it all out of my mind, / off of my chest, / lifted from my shoulders". In her answers to our brief Q&A Claire reveals herself as a relative newcomer to poetry, and says she only reads poems on Write Out Loud.
What got you into writing poetry?
We did a unit in seventh grade about poetry, and I loved it. There was a poetry contest in the town that I wrote for and got third place, and I’ve enjoyed it ever since.
How long have you been writing?
Not terribly long, and not for anything in particular. I’m only a freshman in high school, so writing is not my career.
Do you go to any open-mic nights?
Your favourite poet/poem?
I don’t have a particular favourite. I don’t actually read poetry other than on Write Out Loud.
You are cast away on a desert island. What's your luxury?
A nice cold glass of water and a large beach umbrella.
by Claire
I can't stop writing,
pouring, flooding, spilling, leaking
onto this screen.
Getting the words out of my mouth through my fingertips,
not having to worry becuase we are all writers.
I can't stop singing,
belting, humming, releasing, crooning
to anyone and everyone.
Getting my emotions out by the mood of the song,
not having to worry because they are all singers.
I can't stop thinking,
wondering, pondering, figuring, searching
my mind for answers.
Getting my words out of my mouth through my fingertips,
not having to worry because nobody I know can actually hear me.
I can't stop writing,
or singing,
or thinking,
using my fingertips to get it all out of my mind,
off of my chest,
lifted from my shoulders.
Becky MacDonald
Wed 9th Nov 2016 00:35
love this! basically summed up my feelings towards poetry! xx