I'm Sorry, Q
I didn't mean anything I said today.
maybe I did.
I still shouldn't have said it though.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow,
so I can actually apologize.
I just hope you know that I really do still care about you,
even if you're not always right there with me.
You have a life as well.
My life is you, and I have to accept that your life is not me.
I thought maybe I could follow you from drama here,
to the West Coast for college,
and then across the country to Manhattan,
but maybe I can't.
Maybe you don't want me to,
or don't think that we'll ever see each other after you leave next year,
and that's fine, too.
But I did mean it when I said that you won't stop me from trying to find you,
and trying to live my dream.
Your name will be a recognizable one, I am sure,
so I will search for you according to what people have heard.
You are still my best friend. I shouldn't have said otherwise.
You are not the reason that I am feeling so nothing all the time,
it's all me.
I will see you tomorrow,
and make you listen to me.
I know you're good at that.