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Love from your cat

Only an arsehole would turn down good food

and incidentally- I have to put up with your dog shit slop day in day out

because it's all you can afford.

I don't even like bird, I go through that horrible murder to gift that to you

so the least you can do, when I and that innocent bird make that sacrifice for you

is to eat the damn thing,

or don't, just go back to the processed bird shite you scoff

instead of being grateful to me and to the life that was given up for you.

May you reap the consequences of your selfish existence-

lots of love,

your Cat xxx


◄ ...but not so little boys...from my new collection MUMB

The Long Slug ►


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Cathy Crabb

Wed 14th Dec 2016 10:06

Thank you Laura and Tony. They'll never change. Ever. Cats- keeping it furreal. X

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Laura Taylor

Wed 14th Dec 2016 09:25

I love this ? Sums up being a cat owner (or rather, being a human owner!) perfectly ?

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Cathy Crabb

Tue 13th Dec 2016 13:07

Haha Colin, it would be soooo typical of cats to be that superior about it! It's like they think we are lucky to have them not the other way around! Thanks for the comments.

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 13th Dec 2016 07:40

My cat didn't do the gifting he just ate what he caught in front of me as if to say this is better than the shite you feed me. And if I tried to relieve him of his catch which would only gift him of worms, he would hide under the car and scowl at me. It was a constant battle which I was always going to lose. I love the idea that we should eat their gifts and be grateful - and also, maybe, the cat encouraging us to not eat factory farmed chicken with its skewed feline logic that the local wild bird population is ethically better - insert image of cat sitting in wait under bird feeders.

Lots of reasons to like this poem Cathy. At first sight it's a simple pet poem but it goes way beyond that and makes us question a whole raft of issues. Very enjoyable. Thanks for posting.


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Cathy Crabb

Tue 13th Dec 2016 00:50

Thanks for elP, they are as we know evil and beautiful at the same time. We'll never know why they give us those gifts but knowing cats as we do it's either sarcastic or vindictive or grateful!


Tue 13th Dec 2016 00:36

Fresh stuff, Cathy..gave me a good laugh. Anyone who says cats aren't intelligent hasn't been paying attention. I had two (Ms. Daniels and Pearl--my son named them) who would mimic the tones in which I spoke to each of them and they each had their own special sound patterns..lovely animals. And, the eldest female "gifted" me with half a squirrel, part of a snake, and even a wrangled crow. Little surprises just for me.

Enjoyed this one, immensely.


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