Going Now
For my daughter. 24, born with autism, kicking it's arse everyday. Now moved out into assisted accomodation....& loving her little bit of independence - place not the same without her.
Thought it'd be Peter Pan forever
Brave new world, brave together
Counts gone, Independence Day
Back at weekends, I hear you say?
Bare room, bed & departed belongings
Stepped inside, to unfamiliar surroundings
Mother wears her heart on her sleeves
Father falls apart, on his own when she leaves
Sister like me, absent, but don't fear
We'll always be there, never disappear
To a person who gave four seasons in one day
Happiness & happiness, forever, come what may
If you ever lay in bed & let your mind roam
Remember that familiar place, is still your home
Fri 30th Dec 2016 16:27
What it is to be human, Jeff. You never stop feeling responsible. Straight from the heart - thanks for sharing and reminding us of our frailty and sensitivity. Bravery at all times!