Fuck Off Facebook
Sometimes I just wanna tell the world
“You know what? Just fuck right off!”
“Get outta here with your lies,
your half truths,
your unchecked, slanderous gossip,
your egocentric crap on social media.”
Once upon a time we talked to each other,
and actually listened!
Now, in this copy-and-paste era,
you don’t even hear what you’re saying yourself,
never mind what anybody else says!
It’s just regurgitated garbage,
quantity not quality!
The more far-fetched it is,
the greater credence you give it.
Have you never heard that if it sounds unbelievable,
it probably is?
But God forbid you don’t have an on-line presence!
You live your life there.
And on the rare occasion you do venture out,
to spend time with an actual human being,
you both sit, eyes glued,
fingers flickering over your mobile device
in an almost Pavlovian passion.
I won’t be surprised if you lose the means of speech
to atrophy through lack of use!
Mon 16th Jan 2017 15:26
As a never user of FB with a full life & friends I can say with conviction I've not missed anything I wouldn't have by going left, as opposed to right on a street corner. Revelation is for sure best experienced first hand..hahahaha...& if I'd not spoken to someone in 25 yrs, then rest assured I'm not that bothered about keeping in touch & I'd also be upset if my friends messaged me on FB rather than send a mail or call. But I do realise people enjoy FB, but its not for me....Started some discussions here Trevor!..Jeff...