Internal wound
Stench covered by perfume
Well groomed
Long sleeves cover the scars
Smiley face is a facade
A victim of...
Nobody cares
This life ain't fair
A single tear
Soul torn
Behind the mask is a face forlorn
A mind wondering how long
How long am I going to be a victim of...
How can I believe in a father above
when my earthly father puts me under
How can I believe in a Saviour
When I'm a victim in need of rescue
How can I, How can I? Tell me !
I'll tell you
I hurt when you hurt
I took on your pain and shame
Died a death so gruesome, so cruel, so brutal,
Inhuman, so ruthless, so grueling, so doom
So crucial, so beautiful
Defeated death so you can live
I died for you not to be a victim of...
So why? Why am I still here suffering?
This world was given to man and he has dominion over it
That's why prayer is the only way for heaven to intercede in earthly affairs
So do you really care?
Pray in Jesus name and the Lord hears
He will take all your tears
Put them in a bottle, purify them and rain down blessing over you with them
Victim, do not stay quite, cry out unto the Lord
Let your petition be heard
Dear Lord, God,
I pray in Jesus name...
I'm a victim of...
But I trust in your power and love
Come and save me