"You just lie and rest"
They say he lies like the rest.
Your meds make you feel like dying -
Take the rest.
Do the world a favour,
What use are you now?
Bow out nice and graceful,
That always draws a crowd.
To speak, I slur and drool,
Laughing stock it makes me.
You will never teach again,
Better in a hole.
Wrap me safe in satin,
Best clothes obviously.
Always loved to get away.
Don't screw down the lid.
Louise Hogg
Thu 15th Jun 2017 21:02
A lot of poems written at this time are almost a stream of consciousness. It was a very dark period but I find looking back gives me a strength to move forward. Robert, your comments have drawn me to the poems with a reflective head on. I can almost see how hard my journey has been reflected through my work.