Morning Musing
Is a recorded scene
A personal slice
Of a pleasant dream
Harmoniously shifting
Away the obscene
To the whole it does not mean
But to the individual it is pure
Each day is a recorded act
Routinely rewound and played back
Apathetically drifting to the same track
Silently existing to all but the abstract
So far reigns the protagonist
If a little monotonous
So stage left the antagonist
Orchestral cacophonous
Agent of discord, comfort's anarchist
But wait this is not accurately synonymous
With no intent of being truly reflectionist
Life then, is a recorded play
An assortment of comforts
To get through a day
You assign all the characters
You set every scene
Most importantly you choose
Nightmare or dream
Mel Shield
Wed 15th Feb 2017 16:09
Thank you both for the feedback. I never usually write with a rappy vibe, but I have been listening to a lot of Scroobius Pip and Sound of Rum/Kate Tempest recently (and when I wrote the poem) so wanted to explore that style a little.
I take no issue to the suggested edit. ?
Thanks again,