The Dead Dolls
She sat amongst her dollies
Hair all chopped and matted
their legs broken battered,
Biro on each painted face.
The fingers bitten off,
Spat out and thrown away.
Their toes all flat and mangled,
Their eyes poked closed and gone.
Each one no more a beauty,
Each one now dead and gone.
She did it as a child
To each and every toy.
Her mummy used to smack her,
And say do it no more.
She didn't like her changes,
She didn't like her mess
But now her mummy's gone,
Her toys all thrown away,
The bodies now are people,
She killed them one by one.
Louise Hogg
Thu 15th Jun 2017 21:16
Robert I feel this is a stronger piece too. I would love to make this into a novel. Maybe one day...