The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Light bends

Light bends


Can you hear that rumbling?

Four in the morning and the boiler’s clearing its throat

Pipes tap-tapping, rapping on old joists

Laddered padding long since worn

Round metal that crosses buried crosses

Beneath well-weathered floorboards


Daylight’s been out all night

And now rattles round the window

Stretches itself around the curtains

A vampire victim of the night bus

Stumbling from the electric kick

And jangle noise of an ill-driven milk float


First light wants in, begging

And will sing its brightness through tight-shut eyelids

Hoodwink, hook and force you to look

At the room’s mute colours waking up

A bedside book, a half-empty cup

And the shadow of a full ashtray


Daybreak bends its rays

Prises open a dusty day

Greedy as a grave-robber at the mouth of a tomb

Crooked beams stir creaking bones

The night’s now stolen - morning owns

All that it covets, all that it exhumes

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<Deleted User> (5646)

Thu 17th Sep 2009 00:17

Clever. I love the line ' greedy as a grave robber at the mouth of a tomb.'

Nice to see a post from you Steve,

<Deleted User> (6484)

Tue 15th Sep 2009 17:36

flows well reads well, enjoyed.

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