The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Our Hero

Our Hero


When the book was closed

The adventure put away

Our hero gave a sigh


Stretched his creaking bones

Rested his feet of clay

When the book was closed


To the sound of good night groans

And night snuffing out day

Our hero gave a sigh


Sleep fell like temple stones

Into dreams where victors play

When the book was closed


Mummies thwarted, Pharaoh’s thrones

Fall to the thud of hitting hay

Our hero gave a sigh


And tales tiredness condones

Were set aside, were held at bay

When the book was closed

Our hero gave a sigh

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 13th Jun 2009 13:45

Hi Steve, great little poem this and works well the way you structured it, nice one Jeff

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Andy N

Fri 29th May 2009 22:11

good stuff, Steve.. I thought it was quite subtle when you read it out the other day... I must admit it is even more subtle on page.

<Deleted User>

Wed 27th May 2009 20:26

I have to say I am very impressed - so well structured and thought out - look forward to hearing one day :-)

<Deleted User>

Wed 27th May 2009 20:18

wow Steve!

agree with Bill too

read many times and love the rhythm :-)

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Wed 27th May 2009 19:07

Très bien...
First and fourth verses are my fave...
Adventures and dreams...

<Deleted User> (5763)

Wed 27th May 2009 15:31

I like the three-line verses, I don't see a lot of them. They take some of the 'predictability' out of it -I think ???
Sleep fell like temple stones is a great image.

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Gus Jonsson

Wed 27th May 2009 15:16

Hi Steve

A delightul perspective into book at bed time.. great poem
love it.

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