solo sei piedi di terra ci rende tutti uguali
'only six feet of earth makes us all equal' - old italian proverb
these flowers remind me of the pale horse. like Sycorax, pulling strings
blood red roses, dark brown earth strewn on a lifeless box of teak and tears
how I would watch you extinguish the burning hot tip of a panatella on your tongue
and we would peel off our sopping skin and dissolve into one another
the stopwatch in your brain is counting down, you lift your skirt to show me the scars
blood red roses waiting to spit black foam into your bloodstream
and here is the child. a pale horse. ribs knit like chainmail
a clatter of plasma like dying stars
the doors of the ambulance hang open, a hearse driven by desperate hope
a lifeless box.
sickly street lights stain your face with jaundiced years of flight
like Sycorax, pulling strings
pulling open your tender core
spreading the gates of heaven
letting the pale horse ride through
suki spangles
Sat 11th Feb 2017 19:04
Hi Stu,
I first read this this morning, but didn't want to leave feedback straight away, because like most of your poetry - for me anyway - it is best enjoyed with repeated reading. It's immersive word-art. So I have now read it again a few more times, and it is still more mysterious for that - enticing.."read this this again".
This is sometimes the difficult thing with leaving feedback: the mystery of poetry..