ghost brother
ghost sister
two years before
unable to fight anymore
they gave up their tiny breath
to history
she never spoke of them
in anything but love and memory
of what could have
should have been
never tripping
over regrets
at what came after
my brother
our family
they had names for the past
not something to be displayed
anywhere but in our hearts
and memories
her sad eyes
sometimes showed
the buried hurt
of loss
and when the night came
she joined them
and when the night comes
I sometimes feel the touch
of my ghost brother
my ghost sister
and sometimes
they feel closer
than that
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Sat 25th Feb 2017 18:02
An excellent poem, exploring areas of the heart and mind that intertwine reality and imagination, until parameters are very shaky. As they truly are. Sensitively and beautifully written.