Spiders weave an intricate web
of this a great deal can be said
Yet spiders are not the only ones to weave
many live with lies tucked up their sleeve
Some are liars and others live a lie
this behaviour often gives them a high
Liars seek attention and solidarity with others
they love to be surrounded by sycophantic brothers
Little of any real import have they to say
but a catalogue of lies can go a long way
They lie with profilgate fluency
and are prepared to use any currency
They lie with such alacrity
quite divorced from any reality
Liars begin to believe that their lies are the truth
and will fight to defend them nail and tooth
They defame the characters of the best
and relentlessly offer no rest
Their lies are toxic and wound the soul
and blacken good reputations with the stain of coal
Liars need good memories or so we are told
but in reality they don´t care and become quite bold
They don´t worry what they say if it gathers a crowd
and when in full flight they can be very loud
When the liar is eventually exposed
They cry the ´victim´on which all evil has been superimposed