A Journey
A Journey
When I travel my luggage is in excess
This makes for little success
When I stand on my local station
I attract a good deal of attention
This never ceases to amaze
Why other passengers look and gaze
I stand on the platform modestly attired
Twenty suitcases, hat boxes with hand luggage,
because I am retired
I refuse to leave home and be without
This makes the porters scream and shout
Trolleys are sent for and extra hands
I long for the days of farewell bands
Ocean liners really were the best
Public transport is a bloody pest
Compartments today are seldom empty
And it is a struggle to gain entry
I search for space to place my cases
It is not as if I am off to the races
Once asked if I had the kitchen sink
Made me realise how rude people think
Hotels and liners have ample room
Minding not if my hat has a plume
Hat boxes, I know, are an awkward shape
My cases are not in the best of shape
Travel is not what it used to be
When one could be out at sea
Public Transport is a nightmare
With no First Class I refuse to be there
I travel in style as I have always done
And believe me it is much more fun