The Comedy of Giants
The Comedy of Giants
I once ran these hills without breaking a sweat,
And camped upon the summit of Englands tallest -
Singing punk lullabies at night, while
The stars danced merriment upon the eye,
Those years were the personal victory
Of a boy who came from a town that only wanted
To cripple and belittle the shining ones;
To take away all that our elders feared and envied,
But the heart could pump quicker than their
Shot gun loathing and corrupt designs,
There I was dancing upon the Pike,
My radio broadcasting my songs of rebellion
To the nation, a nation still to this day,
Crucifying our youngest of hopefuls,
And I never wanted to be that low again;
That low I wished for a father I had never met -
To take me away from the dead of a Northern Town.
Fifty years on now,
Fifty years still struggling and though,
I can afford shoes that fit,
Though I am not ‘that’ child wearing
Clowns shoes to school - put together
With masking tape to stop them talking,
I am still at the mercy of calculated
Gods who despise both men and boys;
Gods who lust for the rot of children upon
This globe,
Humility has no understanding
Of the loss, just snide remarks and laughter
At ‘all’ that has been done unto them,
Unto me!
A brief time in five decades of
Struggle, that’s all, no more,
I could fly like a bird with wings
That could span the Earth,
And I loved this Earth so,
The multitude of sights and sounds,
The vibrant colours of tropical wonders,
And yes, the many people who like I,
Never had soles of protection to wear,
But whose souls one would seek for
Company, kin and love,
The passage of time dictates
This once lithe human dies though
The heart is young,
I may live for another fifty
Some say - but not I,
Not upon a World where abuse
Of our young is gathering momentum
And any who have the power to stop it,
Are stripped,
Our World, like this young
Heart that wants so much for
The wonder to return;
Is coming to a sad and sorrowful
Conclusion; everything of love
Has only a fleeting chance,
A slight of time where flight
Can soar and swoop and travel
On currents of warmth high into the sky,
For one day soon,
The rocks beckon below,
Old, majestic, untroubled by
Spawning youth for they have always been,
Always ready for the blood and bone
To be smashed,
And I would swear the mountainside
Grins as clouds paint different pictures every day,
For no matter how hard ‘we’ try,
They will always persist their long
And arduous way, the comedy;
The hopes and beliefs of children.
Michael J Waite 30th April 2017.