The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dark Entry

Dark Entry


     I believed we were going places,

Could feel the wave surge; our collective

Will driving forwards and gaining ground

Into realms with promise of freedoms and liberty,

     But then a death,

Your death, my death, our death

Stole smiles that spanned the globe,

And replaced them with the sneer

Of hateful - inhumane forms

Who walk among us,

     How is it, our wonderful youth

Could take on goliath,

Could battle the institutions

That denied progress for all,

     How could we be tricked such

That in our silver years

The promise now fails,

Receding to dark entries

Where the hurt lick wounds

They know will one day

take their life?


     We are now catching

‘Other ranks’ from a far away World,

Where the disgust and insult upon

Human could never once be sought again,

     And as they look towards stars

That have neither shifted or shone the way,

I too have upon me the following of

Their gaze, for these old Gentlemen

Who fought on beaches

Cry the disdain of a world still at war,

     And I too, wonder,

When will the heart be quiet;

From all whom have been murdered?




     My now silver hair decorates

A hunch, my gait not unlike

Those tired of this,

     But onwards I walk,

But no more the run,

No more the strength,

No more the prowess of youth,

     It is a slow walk where many

Pass either side with the very same

Purpose I once had,

     And I am glad that it is

Almost done but then,

My children are young,

They are the young that has kept

Me Earthly, when what I want

Is an excursion to paradise - far

Away from this hurt, this pain

And sorrow upon a dying World!


     What do I say,

What can I possibly venture

As some kind of wisdom

To my young children, how can

I really imbue upon them

The love and yes, sadness

That I feel for their lives?


     I know not what could

Help them in the battles they will

Face, for the rudiments of Earth

Dictate peace will ‘never’ be rewarded

For all deaths gone before,


     My children,

Often the best in life

Is on the other side of fear,

Do not be controlled by

Those who’ll never own themselves,

     And if you do need to retreat

To dark entry;

     Take time to heal,

‘Get up,

     Dust yourselves off,

          And carry on!’

For there is a light beyond

The madness of bloodshed ‘they’

Daub upon everyone’s view,

     It is there I will hold you again,

Beyond their envious stale

And deadened horizon,

That contains their blatant lie,

And shields a universe of hope

They openly despise.


Michael J Waite 20th May 2017.


For Fabian, For Wyatt, For Sahara xxx.



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