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In a war with religion

Some people say long ago god came to earth.

Some people say long ago it was the son that he birth.

Some people say long ago a lot of things happened.

I wasn't there and neither were they, but scriptures were written.


So many Gods to chose from and so many religions.

They're all so different and yet really the same.

They all praise a deity though with a different name.

The rules and stories and details change.


So wars are waged and love is lost.

I and he are lonely, our hearts torn apart.

We'd found love but our parents refused to see.

just how happy we could really be.


He made me smile I made him laugh.

But what did it matter in the grand scheme of things.

When love wars with religion, religion always wins.

So I lie in bed and every night wonder why.

And if there is indeed some God is he happy I cry?


◄ remembering love

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