The Mellow Years
The Mellow Years
I walk with experience, perspicacity and wisdom
I am no longer a young immature man
Before me now I see the pitfalls
I discern deceit and duplicity from afar
No longer do I act in haste
but ponder and wonder much more
Occasionally I am still taken in
led down a blind alley which goes nowhere
I tread carefully amongst wolves
whilst I try to care for the lambs
Many an old adage and saying I have discarded
I could now write my own
This is the gift of mellow years
often earned through great difficulty
but always to an ultimate benefit
O for the chance of having all this
from the very beginning
kJ Walker
Sun 21st May 2017 18:54
"I discern deceit and duplicity....." works really well. the mellow pace of the whole poem suit the words.