Simon Bette's Cry of the Lost Lamb
On thy knees
Prays the lost lamb, reborn anew.
A young man of God with white 'round his collar.
Often he looks to the father
I look to the father
And I pray for more fun.
A son of God must have more to do, anything more interesting
The population of this city churns
Wishing that they could be more than what they are now
The lambs cry as I once did
I must not recall
What came before, the fruit of knowledge best not tempt me
Eden is here, and I cannot defy
Its coming
N o w
I was just a bored kid
That wanted something more to do
And I just made a funny video
Then it got viral and people just wanted more so I did it.
It was fun for awhile
It kept going faster.
I needed to be optimal, and even then
I couldn't breathe in the spammers that choked my voice
They wanted more
There was no time for sleep
And somehow on a live stream
I let them see
The bandages around my arms and uttered
"I've been cutting"
A good boy need only redemption yes?
So back to church I went
To lead a congregation I need only slip a collar 'round my neck.
And no one will know
"Yeah, I was trespassing."
My arms feel wet.
The sacrifice of a lamb, will perhaps
Appease our father
Perhaps I will be forgiven for all I've done
If I continue to pray to God.
But I'm not moving onto the next world.