About A Motorway.
What urgent malevolence
Impressed the metalled highway
Burying the cartwheel rutted tracks
Where mummers danced and acrobats
Indulgence sellers and potion vendors
Preyed on pilgrims singing praises
Making babies, telling stories
Wending their way to Walsingham?
A sombre day – progress spoke,
“Fell the ancient Hangman’s Oak,
Lay concrete carpeting on
Fields of slender celandine
Uproot mandrakes, crush sweet cicely,
Oust otter lodges from their couches
Leave no squirrel in its dray
Make a way!”
Make a way for madcap hurtlers
Heltering-skeltering to Gadarene
Teeth-grinding auto self-destruction
Abusing, cursing random strangers
Who undermine their GT isolation.
There is no time for buttercup teas
Beside a gentle sunshine stream
Watching clouds and dreaming dreams
No time to ponder the bluebell dell
Where red-haired girls in lacy dresses
Wove daisy chains for necklaces
There’s no sign of the one-room school
Teaching tables and joined up writing
No trace of the frog–pond we fished
For newts and toads and sticklebacks
Taking them home to a certain fate
In jam or pickled onion jars
Who cares that the copse
Where we played cowboys
And the Indians never won
Is gone?
Supplanted by a pet food outlet
Ikea and a ‘Homebase’
In the sainted name of progress.
Just the ghosts of red-haired girls
Keening where bluebells used to grow
Weaving wreathes of asphodel flowers
To drape the necks of hedgerow creatures
Foxes, hares and ‘clearanced’ badgers.
Rick Gammon
Tue 6th Jun 2017 08:17
Re 'first drafts' - it takes a week of working on before a pome becomes 'first draft' - then months of fretting and editing - this will go into my new book - as and when I get the stuff collated and edited ?