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Dormant Virus

my love for her
is a dormant virus
I can only hope the same applies to her
that we share the same genetic viral codes
and that soon it will all re activate
and she can infect me with her perfection once again
of course the glass is painted  with rose
but would you be so cruel as to take a lovers hope?
it was 20 years ago and I have enough slack rope
to survive the fall again
the rise with her was meteoric
first love always is
and all the lovers past and since
never cut the splint I need
give support to the broken heart
that yearns
I could never share this secret for first love
with any present lover
so for the deepest cut
here it is
an undying love
for a first love
an addiction to the style of the time
before we all became tainted
by responsibilities
big hair and make up
they never do it that way anymore
I heard the 80s were coming back
and that it may be possible to fall in love, post modern
find a new woman who embraced my world
only problem being I could be her father
and that wont do
for parts of me are missing
or wrinkled
or just plain falling off
and I would not wish to put any nubile thru that
makes me think that she herself will be 40 years old these day's
hard to imagine
I wonder which way you fell
hope it was on the side of beauty
like the best ageing diva
and not some smoke wrinkled gruff
all huff puffing at life
because I recall you as beautiful
and there’s been no one since
that’s just the way it is.

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clarissa mckone

Thu 15th Oct 2009 18:35

This is a beautiful poem.It would be so nice to go back in time, or somehow recapture and regain our first loves.My fear is that both persons would have changed, as all things do.Im not sure that it could ever be as it once was.But I have heard of this happening, and few make it, because things have just changed. Great poem, full of wisdom and yerning for the old days and that one very special memory.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 15th Oct 2009 11:33

Viruses aren't usually considered healthy. I do wonder if this is possibly 'tongue-in-cheek'. It's the little things that make a poem really embracing to its readers, and you covered so many- very honestly, but tenderly too. For some people, the 'first love' experience colours all other relationships with ensuing partners, for better or worse, like 'a virus' in a clearly negative sense.. It's a great topic, skillfully executed.

<Deleted User> (5247)

Thu 15th Oct 2009 08:36

I truely have a wonderful son with a heart as big as the world, made me think back 20 years too, wish I could turn back the clock, lovley poem Peter, love you xxxxxx

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Nichola Burrows

Tue 13th Oct 2009 12:04

Funny how you never let go of that image, something that you'll never regain though, - sadly, your first love, is always something ephemeral that many always hang on to, and try and replicate. Unfortunately, the majority of us very rarely succeed in doing so. However, we are fickle creatures and even upon having the fortune (or misfortune ) to meet up with 'the one' again - are they the same person that we loved? Are we the same person that loved them? Interesting and thoughtprovoking words you have written Pete. Great piece.

Nicky x - I loved the 80's - big hair, brash make-up.

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Andy N

Sun 11th Oct 2009 22:12

good stuff, pete.. the last line carries some impact indeed! x

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Val Cook

Sun 11th Oct 2009 17:08

I think we can all relate to these words. Good to have you back Pete.missed you.

<Deleted User> (5812)

Sun 11th Oct 2009 14:46

first love lost (and never replicated) and loss of our youth. i related on both counts .i've just hit 40, too.
very evocative imagery . i really enjoy your style of writing Pete x

<Deleted User> (5646)

Sun 11th Oct 2009 11:46

Memories are made of this....

Enjoyed this read Pete but then you know i like this kind of poem from you. Simple expressions with a hint of reality thrown in for good measure.


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winston plowes

Sat 10th Oct 2009 23:06

Hi pete,
good to see you posting again. Do I sense a change of style in these last two. This one... a true story for many no doubt. Win

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Sat 10th Oct 2009 22:48

Can relate...
Lovely, yet some very sad sentiments expressed...


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