The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Nicky Burrows

Updated: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 06:29 pm

Contact via WOL logo


I just write.


stuff It's all just stuff. Too much of life, is stuff. problems, are caused by stuff. But, what is it? It's just, stuff. Kids stuff! My stuff! Your stuff! We shout about stuff, stuff thats in the way. Stuff's here! Stuff's there! It's just stuff. Try and clear the stuff! But, it doesn't go away It just comes back, another day. It's just stuff. And it's here to stay.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 4th Oct 2012 12:09

You give me the creeps, Nicky-girl. Only this week I stood chopping veggies for tea,and asked myself, 'I wonder how Nicky is making out?" Maybe it was the humdrum job, and thinking of all the work you must have to do before finding time for WOL, like my daughter's mad routines with three kids. I have been off-line quite a bit these past few months , but intend to dig in again by the end of October. Blame the Great British Sports Summer! It really has been a privilege to be able to share via armchair in so many athletic events - I'm much more savvy than ever before. I know everyone did not have such an opportunity.
Thanks so much for contacting me.

Love, Cynthia

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 3rd Oct 2012 19:27

Hi Nicky (a little more presumptious than "Hello Nichola" but you will have to excuse me) -
I do appreciate your positive remarks about my
latest post. Poetry/verse is all things to all
people, but I subscribe to trying to leave them
with something they can enjoy and, hopefully, want to remember.
I have been reading your own profile poem "Stuff" very true! It led me to
paraphrase the first line of a favourite Gershwin song...
"It's very clear, our stuff is here to stay"!!
Best wishes.


Fri 28th Sep 2012 16:01

Hello Nicki,

Re: Angels, a learned Anglican bishop once gave an erudite talk which left a lasting impression on me. He said, 'a sense of Mysticism, Spirituality & Prayer' is hard-wired into everyone.

Of course, he promoted his own brand as being the preferred choice, but it left me with hope for others & especially secular people such as myself.

It didn't stop me from buying interesting books on such topics though which are always fascinating philosophical routes to explore. I guess it comes down to what's in the heart. Good luck on your journey of discovery.



Wed 26th Sep 2012 15:06

Hi Nicki, many thanks for your comments on The Reckoning. Always grand to receive positive feedback - helps the writer's block a bunch.

I thought your poem about Angels was quite inventive & wondered what the stimulus was. The subject of many books of course, religious and secular.

Anyway great to have someone like you on WOL.


Mon 30th Apr 2012 18:44

Hi Nicky, 'Ireland with Betjeman', thanks for commenting - gave me an opportunity to peruse your 'Stuff' clever use of its many meanings.


steve mellor

Wed 21st Mar 2012 18:25

Hi Nicky
Please don't think I'm avoiding you. I sit with my back to the computer, so don't see that someone may be wanting to chat.
I have to go out in 15 min's to a WOL Gig at Marsden.
If you email me on

I'll get back to you, and we can 'chat'
It's really great having the chance to talk again

xx Steve xx

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 20th Jul 2011 23:33

re '...and thus it goes.'

I think you are close here.


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 26th May 2011 10:14

Nicky, this is just plain spooky! I was thinking of you on the weekend, and told myself: Find a few minutes to contact Nichola just in case she still pops onsite occasionally. I am fine generally; had a close call with an appendectomy in late January but recovered remarkably, and am still spitting fireballs at everybody - about everything (just spitball-size - no dragon stuff). How are you doing with your enlarged family? Your work will be so welcome when you are able to share with us again. Never give up jotting things down, even on envelopes. Just keep them jammed in a clear plastic bag if necessary, for future reference; they will be valuable fodder for your skill. Enough from me. Love always.


P.S. I love the picture too. What do you think - a coveted persona? Like so many of us women? Interesting thought!

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 1st Sep 2010 09:01

Hi Nicky - I so agree with your recent comments on the blogging issue. I do hope you find time to write more poetry and post it on here. I hate anything elitist with all my heart! My love to your baby, I hope she's OK. Love to you too. Ann xx

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Dave Bradley

Sat 24th Jul 2010 00:25

Hi Nicky

Delighted to hear about Kara Fe. Congratulations. Well done. x

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Wed 21st Jul 2010 19:28

Bonjour Nicky !
Félicitations pour la naissance de Kara Fé - née le 4 juillet en plus ! Contente que tu es revenue : )


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winston plowes

Sat 15th May 2010 09:56

Hi Nicky.. Thanks for looking at ';-P'. Brilliant view of it I thought, There are lots of lines in there that suggest your interpretation, more so at the end. Thx Win x

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 14th May 2010 07:11

good comment on discursive apathy this morning. and good luck with this baby! xx

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 11th May 2010 11:52

Nicky, I nearly croaked when I saw your message. How could you have known I've been thinking of you so much! I fully intended to make contact today - meant to last week but got caught up with children. I'm so glad all is well. The final stages of pregnancy are very trying (sort of coupled with 'O Lord! It's going to start all over again. When will I ever be ME!'). I am only empathising through my daughter's triple births. I had 'two for one', and chose not to risk another egg-set of possibly three; the chance factor was very high. Write as you can, for it's marvellous therapy for damn near everything. Carry a pad and pencil everywhere, especially in the bath (presuming you might actually get the odd one.) I'm being silly now.
Lots of love,

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 27th Mar 2010 16:57

Nicky, I was thinking of you today, and wondering how your pregnancy was progressing. Perhaps you have already given birth. Happy Easter to you, in whatever sense you most identify - even if it's purely the rebirth of springtime and blackbirds.

<Deleted User> (7164)

Fri 19th Feb 2010 13:44

Hi Nicky,
thanks for commenting on 'Zebrina.'
I do enjoy writing poems like this one. Can it be described as allegorical?


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Cate Greenlees

Thu 18th Feb 2010 12:12

Hi Nichola, Im fine thanks. Im still posting occassionaly, but like to log on to see whats happening up here. You have to sift through tons of blogs however these days to find peeps you know you like, to comment on. Its impossible to comment on them all so Im a lot more selective than I used to be!!! Nice to see you back hope everything is going well with the baby.
Cate xx

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Thu 18th Feb 2010 10:01

Not much has happened in my world Nicky - I'm not pregnant or anything... but tomorrow is another day!


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Neil West

Sat 31st Oct 2009 12:53

Hi Nicky, I've just read Crisis in the Skies and I think it's fab. It's right up my street, I like the humour, the story, the structure - very good. Quite Blakeish but with a cheerful ending! Why the minimalist profile? I know you do much much more than just write.

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Thu 29th Oct 2009 10:12

Hi Nicky - thanks for taking the time to read and make comment

the original title was, - 'for a firend'

steve x

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Wed 28th Oct 2009 20:24

Thanks for the kind words...
Glad you enjoyed my writing.


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Steve Regan

Wed 28th Oct 2009 16:07

NICKY, as a Wiganer, I can quite believe Bolton is littered with discarded nether-garments! Ta for your comments on my brassiere poem. Come to the BARDS and perform your stuff.

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Gus Jonsson

Wed 28th Oct 2009 11:48

Thank you Nicky ... Not quite a siren but yes I believe she had an agenda... but hey ho!...whataway2go!

Gus xx

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Tue 27th Oct 2009 18:34

Hi Nicky - many thanks for your kind comments on 'After' :)

I can readily identify with the thinking behind 'stuff' - we have so many reminders daily of how essential 'stuff' is - not so many reminders of how vast numbers of folk around the world have no stuff at all.....

Best wishes, Dave

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Mon 26th Oct 2009 17:08

Thanks Nicky - I shaved them specially.

Steve Smith

Mon 26th Oct 2009 10:01

Gest, hope to catch up with you at an event. I ran a charity called 'Toxteth Learning' for mainly immigrants and Refugees ,and the poem was also for them -they are not the bogey man.Steve Smith

steve mellor

Sun 25th Oct 2009 13:25

Hi Nicky
I simply couldn't resist ;-))
But it is good
Speak soon
xx Steve xx

<Deleted User> (6884)

Sat 24th Oct 2009 12:30

Hi Nicky, ta for the navigation tips! Jo :)

<Deleted User> (5646)

Fri 23rd Oct 2009 15:43

Hi Nicky, just want to say thankyou for your encouragement and fantastic comments on my poetry. I'm going to be off-line for a short while.

Love your latest poems by the way. The performance virgin is just great! :-)

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Andy N

Fri 23rd Oct 2009 14:00

thanks for commenting on 'for silence' nicky.. bit off a odd one that one as it sort off wrote itself.. don't know where it came from literally!

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