the guns, they rain on everyone
i couldn’t tell you why the lights went out
leaving fruities and pips arcing
like doomed mobius strips above us
now the moths have nothing to fly to
so they turn on each other with pick and pistol
as the listless p-a-r-a-d-i-d-d-l-e that was my heartbeat
rose to a cacophony, the hollow-boned clouds fell to the ground
millions of tonnes of dense, unforgiving greyness licked our ankles.
and one day I will unpack this memory
brush off the dust of years alone
turn it in my hands as one would turn a precious thing
and remember your words
wow man
the sky is falling
and i just don’t care.
Stu Buck
Mon 10th Jul 2017 17:53
cheers LCP - the doomed mobius strips were based on the flight of the bats above my mum and dads house in france. never seemed to get anywhere but quite beautiful...
bit like poetry really