Blossom, My Garden
The mundane of a rainy,
Foggy, wet(drenched) summer's eve
Is beautifully shrouded
Away by colorful warmth
From a light, floral curtain.
Its rippling
to perch near
its branches.
The frail drape of the curtains
Produce a lush garden for
Joyful comfort through hard times.
Each bud attracts many more.
In similar sprouted light,
My body is my own home.
When the annual rainstorm
Arrives in darkened thunder,
I think of the curtains bloom.
How growth brought spring to the ones
Who sat beneath the windows
And watched the rain turn to streaks
As it hit the glass from outside.
Those flowers framed the yard gloom.
So now I will do the same
When the rain drips on my glass,
I will attract those around.
When my inside is dreary
(Sullen in the overcast)
The world around my window
Will meet to blossom with me.
<Deleted User> (9882)
Sat 15th Jul 2017 20:07
and I agree Michaela.
Rose ?