The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Raw Meat

Your hip may jerkĀ 
a little,
And with the ribs,
a blue bruise.
Your stomach fights
When you eat raw,
uncooked meat.
Worst of all is
not really
Physical, but
the mental,
It bleeds more than
picking scabs.


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Michaela Sheldon

Thu 20th Jul 2017 21:59

Oh wow, thank you all! Really. It means so much.

patricia Hughes

Thu 20th Jul 2017 20:50

Your writing just keeps getting better and better.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 20th Jul 2017 17:29

Michaela,thats the beauty of meals on wheels.No,not the ones-delivered-on wheels,the ones from McDonalds we eat while motorcycling.

dead easy-no hands!

P&S xx

<Deleted User> (17847)

Thu 20th Jul 2017 15:56

unusual piece.Kind I usually love and in this case do.And I agree about busy days no matter what season.

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Michaela Sheldon

Thu 20th Jul 2017 13:15

Thank you very much! It was a quick one thats for sure. Busy summer days make it hard to write poetry in time before the day is over!

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Thu 20th Jul 2017 08:54

This is a powerful number Michaela, and open to interpretation. The title in itself brings possibilities to mind,
which it would be indelicate to put on paper. Intriguing i'd say..... none of your stuff can be lightly dismissed!


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