How's your game?
Strangers and acquaintances
gather, smiling innanely--
I can't figure if the joke
is them or me.
Jocular small talk and
statements that mean nothing
shuttle back and forth
like lite-impact badminton cocks
but once in a while they land
with a thud.
Sun 6th Aug 2017 03:36
I wrote this after being accosted by an insurance agent at my local auto garage while being coerced into dropping a stupid amount of money on an auto repair.
Anyhow, it struck me how--after ascertaining my vocation--this fellow tried to open up conversation with me with questions like "do you get benefits?".."are you 1099 or salaried?"
I thought. to myself, that I could never be more miserable getting paint under my fingernails than he could be hearing "it's none of your fucking business!"
Thanks to each of you for your comments and 'likes'--and dear goodness, speak out whenever you feel free!
Love, Rachel xx
I have to say, I really trust those garage guys..I know in my heart that it was expensive repair...