The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

I Failed, Miserably

I now feel the 
    of creativity
     with the lonesomeness 
      of orginality.

A duality of stunted growth
Which deems me imperfect 
               like you.


im sorry

◄ The Poetic Death

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AM Cash

Mon 9th Oct 2017 21:44

Sometimes you need space x

<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 14th Aug 2017 14:03

hey Michaela - setting daily writing targets may well set you up for a fall when distractions get in the way of the words. It can be really frustrating but the trick is to just go with the flow knowing that the words will come back to you when your head is in a better place to put them into some sort of order.

You have regularly proved to us here on WoL that you are more than capable of doing this and I am sure you will again. In fact, a break from writing can be a good thing, although perhaps it is not so obvious at the time. Stay positive.


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Michaela Sheldon

Mon 14th Aug 2017 12:59

Thank you both, really. I have been going through hard times at the moment and as i would usually post a poem everyday, my heart is set somewhere else. It makes me quite sad actually.

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Sun 13th Aug 2017 20:45

Interesting Michaela; its hard to put a fix on the sentiment entirely, but being creative in thoughts is a lonely thing -once shared some resolution can be obtained. Being creative with others as in music can be fulfilling. The last two lines : imperfection affects us all. As David says, there's nothing stunted in your work.


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