The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

My heart

People tell me to listen to my heart, 

But what is she does not speak to me. 

What if she ignores me.

Not wanting me to love?

my mind, He is in contact with her. 

Yet, He still refuses to listen to her. 

Instead He takes charge, 

overpowering and dominating her voice. 

He doesn't just give me an answer, 

He gives many. most which contradict.

Yet she still stays silent, petrified to speak. 

So, i stay silent.

she beats a solo beat,

As for She does not need me

regardles of wheather I need Her.

shes scared and is normally easily forgiving. 

But not this time.

For she has been Brocken and left. 

So, Now She doesaid not speak to me. 

My Heart does not speak to me.

◄ Can Some One Please Help


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Andy Smyth

Sun 20th Aug 2017 04:17

Love the idea of your poem/verse (whatever - I couldn't give a stuff what people call my stuff so why should you? If you like it and it means something to you, then someone else will probably like it too. But don't worry if you get no feedback ( I rarely do and that is because most of my verses/scribbles, whatever are crap, but hey ho, I enjoy writing them, so bollox to all the poetry snobs). I can see you have some probs with spelling etc. but do not let that put you off, your ideas/thoughts are great and (if like me personal to you most of the time), then it really does not matter. If you ever need a second opinion, feel free to email me at I won't suggest any changes other than maybe point out some typo's. Anyway, up to you. Don't give up. My brother is colour blind, but is now a bomb disposal expert (I'm kidding), Any help you want don't be afraid to ask - I think you will find a lot of people on this site will also be willing to help and they are undoubtedly better than me, but I'm here if you want me to help. Keep your chin up. Andy. (I only started writing my rubbish when very down, unemployed, depressed etc. but now find it a great release, daft or not). I am still down, depressed and unemployed, but penning my silly or dark thoughts does help me as I hope it does with you. Don't worry about dyslexia, plenty of people will help with that (well, I will at least). Read some of Colin Hill's posts, I always enjoy them. Good luck Sinead, as I say, no prob if you want to bounce ideas or spellings etc off me. Happy to help. Can see you have the talent, just need that self-belief (and ultimately who gives a shit except you?). Nuff said. I am not an up his own arse poet, I just write what comes in my head (usually at this time in the morning sadly) then work at it the following day, but I am a believer in go with your gut instint most of the time. I have been to "poetry clubs" and they have suggested change this or change that. I generally ignore them. Just me I guess...

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