The disorder and death in Virginia seem to have begun with disputing the aim/intention of pulling down
a statue of Robert E. Lee. The man himself would have probably distanced himself from both public
statuary and the violence. Offered the post of commander of the Federal forces of the North, he
declined because he considered that his first duty was to his own state - Virginia.
The Army of Northern Virginia was his to command and his military skills and leadership became
legendary in both the North and the South during the Civil War. Grant and Lee were virtually
interchangeable in their respective roles, but whereas Grant went on to accept nomination for
president on the victorious side, Lee retired to academia, refusing public office despite the
recognition bestowed upon him across the nation. .
He always saw his duty to Virginia coming first despite misgivings about all that was in dispute and
that is certainly the reason why the state was so ready to put its admiration and gratitude for his
allegiance on public display in the form of a statue.
Perhaps those seeking to pull him down should look more deeply into the cause and effect of Lee's
own life and time instead of seeking to adjust (banish?) history for their own ends.
M.C. Newberry
Tue 5th Dec 2017 02:21
Considered comment always welcome. Thanks to you Big Sal - and to KJ for his earlier assessment.