The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Sort of Remembering

Gloomy, rain-heavy clouds 
Are attractive; 
In meloncolic moods
Where old constellations
Of memories and people
Loom like foggy ghosts. 

And then wind 
Draws over the hills
Quickly, quietly. 

It is damp
And the fever 
Of dawn is null.

Sharp breath in,
And the mist peirces
A blood-red veil
Of flesh and cave;
Then release,
And the gum braised
Air returns to 
Dewy atmosphere.

I sit in wet.
No matter.

The view is much too
Pleasing to move.


I always write about gloom and fogwhy

◄ Obsolescence

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Tom Harding

Fri 18th Aug 2017 08:16

Enjoyed the atmosphere here.


Thu 17th Aug 2017 21:57

A very atmospheric poem. I can feel myself, floating off to a mountain top on a chill misty morning. All alone with my own thoughts.I particularly like the first verse, it evokes some gostly memories for me.

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