The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Brain of a Killer

Vast and barren
Nothing in sight 
But a black flag
Waving in the night.

Whats in the brain
Of a killer?
A senseless repetition-
Why is blood spilled on her? 

Theres no invitation
Upon the greener grass,
Because of them, it's red.
Go home. Hold your wine-glass,

Go eat food, shit, and sleep.
Try to remember what others now can't,
To be alive, to breathe.
Since you have stolen their chance,

Maybe then you'll understand
And regret will hit you harder, 
(That sinking feeling in your chest)
Maybe you'll re-think being a "Martyr".


◄ A Sort of Remembering


patricia Hughes

Fri 18th Aug 2017 23:03

Your writing just gets better all the time.
A disturbing poem but such is life.

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keith jeffries

Fri 18th Aug 2017 17:59

Powerful and to the point. Keith

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Michaela Sheldon

Fri 18th Aug 2017 16:34

Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, it should be barren thank you for picking that up! With all of these horrible events taking place lately, I feel like I want to understand why people make these horrific choices... We are all the same flesh and blood yet people are killing people who have nothing to do with their affairs. I don't think I can ever understand it

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Fri 18th Aug 2017 15:59

A great sensitivity at play here Michaela, an attempt to identify with the unthinkable. What is tempting is to try to understand the transformation into such a person and how that is suddenly the right thing for them. From studies of serial killers it seems often that there is no remorse for ever after. Apparently a mix of influences can bring out the poisoned chalice. The last line is the key if there is one.
May I pick up the first line - should it not be barren?

All the best to you. Ray

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