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The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

When I Die

When I die, mourn not my passing
But celebrate my life.
If you knew me, then I knew you too,

And you touched my life
- As I touched yours.

Throw a stone into a pond
And ripples spread in ever widening circles.
So the ripples of my life spread
- To touch the lives of many others.

But in my turn I was touched
- By the many ripples of your lives -
And for that I thank you all.
For you have helped to shape my life
And make me who I am.

Truly as a spring tide rises highest,
So have your ripples
- Joining together -
Made a spring tide for my life:
Lifting me higher
Than I could have ever reached
- If I had never known you.



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Richard Hartley

Sun 27th Aug 2017 12:38

Thankyou, Cynthia and Keith, for taking the time to read this and to leave your very kind words.
They are much appreciated and most encouraging!

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 27th Aug 2017 10:47

A fine thought beautifully expressed. IMO, the 'ripple of waters' metaphor is inescapable to the truly 'poetic mind'.

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keith jeffries

Sun 27th Aug 2017 10:39

Richard, Thank you for this and also your message. The poem is clearly indicative of how others shape our lives and our debt of gratitude to the role played in our own formation. We are undeniably social creatures and your poem illuminates this.

Recently I gave thought to those people who have been significant in my life. They number only a few but their contribution to who I am has been immense.

A poem, beautifully crafted and pertinent to our contemplation of life. Thank you again. Keith

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Richard Hartley

Sat 26th Aug 2017 17:34

Thankyou, Patricia
I appreciate your kind words.

patricia Hughes

Sat 26th Aug 2017 17:05

Gorgeous work,and in particular I love the line"Truelly as a spring tide rises highest.
A gentle poem.

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Richard Hartley

Sat 26th Aug 2017 17:03

Hello MC
Thankyou for your kind words which are much appreciated!

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 26th Aug 2017 16:18

Like the spring tide, uplifting! A caring consideration of
existence and co-existence.

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