The old trooper talked of falling Candles and revolution
The old trooper sits in his corner
as usual
Sipping neat whiskey and half a beer
Drowning with endless stories
Anyone lucky or unlucky enough to sit
He tells of falling candles
And how of in the dark
A man’s shoot when it did not open
Flickered like a spark
Many times he would land safely
Then pause and look to the sky
There he would see a flickering light
And know a man was about to die
And what causes did they die for?
For democracy the trooper would roar
And I see people are dying again
Beneath the Tory reign
For he compares the unemployed
To those who died in the war
And he wanders to himself
Is this what I was fighting for
The old trooper now talks of revolution
As he looks up to the skies again
And wanders how many candles will
Before democracy again does reign