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And We Begin

And We Begin



a place beyond the need to need you

is the breathless space between your arms

where words are crushed by swollen lips

and tongues twist truth to tell a tighter tale


in this new world there is no light

only the honest darkness of the moment we connect

no room for clumsy words like guilt or me

no bonds beyond the clinging of our hands


trust without time to build a story

want that is answered with a kiss

love becomes a word to breathe by

the lives that led us both to this

have served their purpose

told their tale

run their course

had their time

done their thing

left their sting

in the hearts of those we leave behind


◄ Future Voice

On The Other Side ►


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Sat 21st Oct 2017 22:28

There is a sort of other worldliness in this Karen. Transcendant - and what you describe seems to reveal a kind of acceptance , a maturity regarding what may be inevitable. There is such a lovely round and lyrical feel to the poem. (I'm enjoying your book !)


<Deleted User> (17847)

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:05


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