The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


I will make of this place

my grave

belly pressed against my motherĀ 


salt tears feeding the sand

sound of waves crashing

purple pink pig face flowers

dancing gently on the dunes

slowly climbing over the body

sun beats down

dissolving it to grains of sand

blown by the wind

to the waves

and away

at lastĀ 



◄ Solace

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Big Sal

Wed 15th Aug 2018 02:00

"Purple pink pig face flowers" is a tongue twister all in itself. Another one with great imagery and the words roll right off the tongue with this one too.


Thu 26th Oct 2017 07:54

Thanks Eric.

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Eric Maynard

Sun 22nd Oct 2017 15:17

I appreciate the many symmetries in this; the salt tears of the narrator on the beach like the salt waves of the ocean, and the way the last lines carry us gently away, like the tide going out.

It captures well the feeling of releasing of some unspoken grief to the elements, which is so primal. Thanks for sharing.

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