The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.




And in the end it is as simple and as complicated as an out breath

all that weighed her down and kept her small clears like mist as her head rises, antlers held aloft, crowning glory, and her wings unfold gracefully, easily as she stands, she stands, she stands and speaks 


And it never before was the right time

Would you ask a prisoner of war why he didn’t just leave? A bird in a cage to simply fly away? 

Before he knew he didn’t need guns to fight guns? Before the bird knew she didn’t need a key to unlock the door? I did not know before now 

I did not know

That I could go without leaving

That I could stand without pushing

That I could fight by simply being

Simply being and knowing

That all I want I already have

That nothing can be taken from me unless I give it

That my desires need not come at a cost 

Or with the burden of guilt


And the predator was warned




◄ Away

PS my heart wall was built of silence ►


Big Sal

Wed 15th Aug 2018 01:59

Excellent diction and poem here.??

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