The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

PS my heart wall was built of silence

They tell me there are things that I can’t speak

that I must keep and keep and keep 

that there are things that happen in dark places, in the in-between spaces with people who are faceless


And that I can’t speak


They tell me that i have no voice no choice no right to write

They tell me that I will not be believed and that I am not

will not

can not

be beloved




So I close up, I shut up shop


I wield silence like the double-edged sword it always always is


Cause if I cry out, they get what they want

And if I open my mouth

They get what they want

And if I fight back

They get what they want

They get what they want

They get what they want


And so I’m silent......


And they get what they want


Until I’m not.....


...........And they don’t 




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Taylor Crowshaw

Mon 13th Aug 2018 15:48

This emotional poem... immense. ?

<Deleted User> (19421)

Mon 13th Aug 2018 09:52


Great poem!!!



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