The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Maleficent on Steroids

I am the Destructive Force

the eruption that leaves you lost 

for words


I am the bursting forth

of the trauma you buried decades ago

that brings you to your knees


I am the seemingly endless pain

that makes you wish for death

that you may never again fear it


I am Maleficent on steroids

your worst fears realised


I am the knocking down, brutally, 

of all your defences, fences, barriers, pretences 


I am not pretty or meek

I show you where your weaknesses lie

because they are a lie

and I will not let them lie


I will not wipe the tears you think

I make you cry


I will push you off that cliff 


‘cause I already know you can fly


◄ PS my heart wall was built of silence

Medusa Poem ►


Natasha Bowman

Sat 29th Sep 2018 06:55

?? I love it.

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