Hashtag Arrogance
to emphasise my endless
slapstick politics.
What Constitution?
I have to read all of it?!
Tangerine screaming.
Chattering unchained:
No such thing as climate change!!
No such thing as proof?
Meanwhile, peace deals fall,
fundamental laws ignored;
the world stands aghast.
Yates sacked. Spicer sacked.
Bannon, Flynn and Comey sacked.
This is going well.
I repeat myself
many many times. Many.
Guess what? You know why?
My IQ is high!
Why was there a civil war?
Very, VERY high.
I'm beyond satire
and explicitly absurd.
Are you all scared yet?
Exclamation marks.
You can never have enough.
Mexico will pay!!!!!!
Network news is partisan!!!
(Fox news is okay).
Even Kim Jong Un
thinks you're mentally deranged.
Huffing orange twat.
Hashtag Arrogance.
Where have all the snipers gone?
It's Time To Get Tough.
Big Sal
Sat 9th Dec 2017 02:58
Fuck Trump. Great poem.