We have reached that portal of sadness
adorned with emblems of grief
Memorials, monuments and the Menin Gate
Few now remember or are connected
to human slaughters fading into the past
Bugles sound to replace gunfire and sirens
Bowed heads in silence to replace steel helmets
The future promises nothing better
as the repetitive cycle of war gathers momentum
A tree in the shade of the sun
as birds of hope sing of eternal promise
We are caught in a trap of misery
Mountains of grandeur, an oasis in the desert
an ocean of hope, a garden of tranquility
How can we be custodians of such beauty
or be humble before all we see
whilst we find reasons to be destructive
The animals of the forest, the birds of the air
they are free for all to see
transparent in their natural habitat
no shred of deceit, malice or corruption
We have marred this gift of creation by our self will
We are to blame for all our ills and what is now laid waste